I'm suffering from both of these afflictions and can't quite decide which is worse. On reflection, the common cold may just have the upperhand as I think it is the cause of my procrastination. But I could be wrong. The throat soothers I rescued from the far reaches of my desk drawer are a tad sticky. The promised liquid centre is, in fact, a solid sticky mass that is currently congealing its way around my teeth. They are, I think, rather ancient. At least I can't actually remember buying them and there's only a third of a pack left. The last time I had a sore throat and needed soothers was way before Christmas.
I had sat down at my keyboard with the avowed intent to write a couple of hundred words, in this my lunchtime break. Instead I have struggled to tweet and have been distracted by the various links to "tips for writers", which keep appearing on my twitter page. Most of those I went to were about avoiding procrastination, a tad ironic don't cha think?
First thing though, I did finish up the murder scene of my new story. I wrote it straight through and then went back to read it. It scared the hell out of me, I think I may have nightmares. What scares me more though, is the fact that I imagined all this horror. I think I need to tame it down a lot, after all I'm writing a murder/mystery not a horror story.
The second soother is even more sticky than the first - something I did not think possible. I shall have to abandon my writing endeavors and go find some floss....