I've been doing so many things since before Christmas that blogging just seemed to fall by the wayside. I decided that there would be no New Year resolutions because invariably those only last a day or two.
Instead, I decided that February would be my month of action. So starting today (I only just thought about the month of action thing over breakfast), this month will be my starting point for loadsa stuff.
Like, as I'm in New York and the biathlon is in Fort Kent, I'm heading up there today to spend the rest of the weekend with snow, skis and rifles. Who knows, I may even get a little skiing in myself.
Then it's back to the UK. And in all honesty, I have to knuckle down and reduce the chubby factor associated with these cheeks. Trouble is when my writing is going well, and it is :) my eating keeps pace. Too much snacking, not enough walking. Maybe I should buy a treadmill, then I could write and walk.
Then again, maybe not.